First off, we are very sorry if you too are a victim of Josh Adler and/or ConvrtX. No one deserves what he does to people/start ups.
We understand that it's not easy to accept that you have been a victim of fraud. If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, we urge you to make a report. There are many places you can do so, and it differs depending on where you live. We have decided to collate the reports we are aware of and post the reference numbers here so that you can use them should they relate to you.
The hardest part about reporting to the police is getting them to understand that it is not a civil case. Reinforce to them that there are MULTIPLE victims and that your situation was not simply a one off bad business deal. Hopefully sharing the below report numbers can help you. We will update this page should we be advised of any more report numbers.
Federal Trade Commission
Report Number: 158057058
Ontario Provincial Police
Crime Reference: RM23111696
Calgary Police, Alberta
Crime Reference: CA23085616
United Kingdom:
Tayside Police Division
Crime Reference: CR/0028781/23
We hope that the above can help those who aren't sure of where to turn. If anyone has any report numbers they would like to add, please feel free to contact us. We never disclose the identity of our sources.