I've long suspected that Josh Adler hires cheap third party contractors, and that there was no significant ConvrtX development team. Now there's nothing illegal about this, but it certainly isn't the image that Josh gave me or other clients about his company ConvrtX. It would explain why there was delays with my project, and why there were always 'miscommunications'. It would also explain why any work that I (and others) received, was extremely poor, cheap quality. Well, I recently received an interesting message from an anonymous viewer of this website. They had saw one of Josh's listings on UpWork and had applied, but decided not to pursue the position when it became clear how Josh operated ConvrtX.
I've known for a long time that Josh uses UpWork. Ex employees had told me as much. What I didn't have was a link to his profile or listings. Well that all changed when the anonymous viewer gave me the link to the old posting the applied for, which in turn showed me all of the listings posted by the 'employer'.
What I found very interesting is that Josh Adler uses an alias on UpWork. He goes by Jake! Why does he go by an alias? I would guess that he doesn't want caught outsourcing so much of the client projects, and certainly not for the prices he lists.
Let's have a look at the UpWork profile, and see if we can tell for sure that this is the one and only Josh Adler/ConvrtX.
So we can see that it is definitely software development that is being outsourced, but the reviews mention a Jake (a one star review funnily enough but that's besides the point here). However, I recognise the freelancers name - Abhi Patodi... that's probably because he was the main worker on my app which was never properly fulfilled!? If this isn't Josh, then that is some crazy coincidence. But if we scroll a bit further...

Whoops, someone slipped up. Josh and Malcolm? That would be Josh Adler and Malcolm Martinez, Josh's executive assistant at the time. So I think it's safe to assume that this is indeed Josh posting here.
Now, I'm in quite a unique position as being one of the loudest critics of Josh Adler that a LOT of ex employees, ex contractors, and ex clients have been in touch with me to give me further information. Josh, if you're reading, it's how I also know all about your 'Venture Capital' scheme with your pal Ivan - but that's a post for another day. One of the items I have is the outsourced document relating to my projects written up by none other than Abhi Patodi.

So I've known since I got this that only $3500 was agreed to do all of the development of both my app AND website. After I paid over £33,000 (around $50,000) to get these projects made. Yes, there are other costs associated and not just development, but $3,500 to build what I requested explains perfectly why what they tried to give me was useless, missing features, laggy, and a downright POS that I couldn't use. And I'm pretty sure I found the job listing associated with my project...

Now have a look at how many job listings Josh has posted on UpWork... you'll even spot him looking for a 'Storyteller' which made me laugh. I wonder if that's the positive articles you see about him online as they certainly strike me as fairytales.
Can you spot your project?
Feel free to contact me through this website's contact form if you have been victimised by Josh Adler, or if you have any information which could be helpful. All tips will be kept anonymous.