So, you're trying to hire a business negotiator to resolve this dispute with me? Honestly Josh, that has really given me a laugh. The first person you hired to 'deal with me' sent me sexually harassing emails. The next attacked my mental health and launched a vitriolic attack on me to try and silence me.
Did this work? No.
Maybe you should question your morals and business approach when you are literally being turned down by business negotiators because even they can see this whole situation isn't right.
Take some accountability. You want to make things right with me? I doubt you ever can. I told you this isn't about a refund. I told you this is not extortion. That is not my end goal. My end goal is making this right. I've not been scared off by your previous efforts, what the hell makes you think a business negotiator will help?
You have no idea what the number of people I've spoken to is. The police do. As do the government officials I've been speaking to. I gave them my client contact spreadsheet.
I want justice for myself. I want justice for others. I doubt with every fibre in me that you are willing to make things right. But if you do...
Take accountability. Stop hiding behind your puppets that you hire to talk to me. I know you might think they seem more intimidating to me given how much older and authorative they seem compared to you. They don't scare me. They don't intimidate me.
I will not engage in negotiations with any third party. I have no desire to speak to you either to be perfectly honest, but if you truly believe you can actually make things right despite the above, do it yourself. I'm done dealing with the idiots you keep sending my way.
I'm pleased that you're currently being turned down. It appears some people have common sense.