Josh Adler began to see some negative press being published about him and his company ConvrtX back in January 2023. Many of these articles were published by a source called the Weekly Blitz, but further articles were also published via the news source the Eastern Herald. However, when you search for information relating to Josh/ConvrtX on Google now, some of the articles don't appear. Why is that?
Let's identify the articles we are talking about first. First we have the article "Serious allegations against Josh Adler and ConvrtX" published by the Weekly Blitx on 5th February 2023. The second article in question is "Supercars To Super Scammers, Dubai Has Everything To Offer" published by The Eastern Herald on 4th February 2023. Please feel free to read through both of these articles to get an understanding of the allegations that Josh Adler faces.
So why do these articles not appear when you search Josh Adler and ConvrtX on Google? Well, that would be because...
As you can see, two results have been removed from Google's index due to copyright complaints. So I'm sure you can guess by now that the two articles removed are the two I have referenced earlier in this blog post. You might be wondering how this has happened. What Josh doesn't know (but will soon since he has David Mandel scoping this website out amidst his demands that we remove it or face criminal charges in the UK lol) - we got a heads up from one of our sources that Josh had planned to hire someone to de-index the Weekly Blitz prior to these removals actually taking place, so we were somewhat expecting this. Sure enough, the Weekly Blitz article was de-indexed a few weeks after we received the heads up.
We of course did request access to the full URLs and this was granted. The URLs are:
Now, the Tumblr post states that it was posted on the 4th of February 2023 whilst the Weekly Blitz article was posted on the 5th of February 2023. Makes sense that the Tumblr author can make a copyright claim against the Weekly Blitz if they posted first, right?
Taken straight from the Tumblr help pages, confirmation that Tumblr posts can be easily backdated to give show a different time of posting. Now I guess the next argument could be that this is all circumstantial. Except we decided to go digging on the page source codes of the Tumblr account that allegedly put in the DMCA report to Google. Below is a video of the page source code of the account DIY News Alert that published the Tumblr post. The publication date next to the account name is 10th April 2023 - coincidentally two days before the DMCA report was filed. Yet the post publication date is 4th February 2023, before the account was seemingly ever created... doesn't make sense does it? Well, it would make sense if the post was indeed backdated in order to make a false DMCA report.
Does it end there? Of course it doesn't.
The next article we noticed was removed from Google's index was the Eastern Herald article "Supercars To Super Scammers, Dubai Has Everything To Offer". Where was the originating article that apparently published the content first? Yup, you've probably guessed it. Tumblr.
Once again, it did not take long to get the full URLs. They are: and The Eastern Herald article was published on 4th February 2023, and the Tumblr post shows the date of 3rd February 2023. Once again, it seems a clear cut case of the Tumblr user posting first - unless you are aware that Tumblr allows backdating. Again, the argument could be simple coincidence. But we didn't have to dig for too long this time in order to verify if the post was backdated. You can see in the Tumblr URLs that each post has a unique post ID. Post IDs are assigned to posts in numerical order of posting regardless of backdating status. I.e. you will not get a lower numbered post ID just because you have backdated the posting date. So, let's refresh our memory... the Tumblr post relating to the Weekly Blitz was supposedly posted on 4th February, whilst the one relating to the Eastern Herald was supposedly posted on 3rd February. Let's look at the post IDs... 3rd February post: 715013412603789312 4th February post: 714206693505024000 So, if the 3rd of February post was truly posted on 3rd of February, and the 4th of February post was truly posted on 4th of February... why does the 3rd of February post have a higher post ID number that the 4th? That would make no sense... unless the posts have been backdated in order to file these DMCA reports to remove the negative articles appearing when you search Josh Adler's name? We'll let you draw your own conclusions though based on all of the above.